Battle for America’s soul: Wisconsin’s April 6 electionJoe Biden inaugurated his presidency with a bold intention: restore the soul of America.Mar 13, 2021Mar 13, 2021
Are you a risk taker who likes to play the slots? How about Russian roulette?Here’s a COVID-19 infection risk calculator that scientists around the world created to calculate you and your family’s specific risk. Use…Nov 24, 2020Nov 24, 2020
What happens after the election?Perception is everything. A huge percentage of the world, especially in the US, perceives ourselves as deeply divided.Oct 2, 2020Oct 2, 2020
A taboo—and urgent—strategy to save the nation and our DemocracyClearly, the way to reunite the country is not to be found in presidential debates. Here’s a better idea.Oct 1, 2020Oct 1, 2020
The right has had their chance. After 40 years, time to veer left.As a political independent, I am loyal to no party but to values. In any candidate I look for:Sep 29, 2020Sep 29, 2020
The Battle of Britain in 1940 and lessons to heed in 2020Eighty years ago this month, the Battle of Britain began, leading to the horrific and deadly London Blitz.Jul 7, 2020Jul 7, 2020
How to restore American democracy in these post-democratic times“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable…Apr 25, 2020Apr 25, 2020
A tale of cultures in quarantine: Gen Z meets BoomersSheltering at home with our teenage daughter has been a bonding experience and a joy for my husband and I. Yet it has not been without its…Apr 24, 2020Apr 24, 2020
Wisconsin politics and Washington warningsWisconsin is a state of extremes. Not just freezing winters and blistering summers, but also a political pendulum that can take wide…Apr 17, 2020Apr 17, 2020
A deep dive meditation on Lazarus, death, and coronavirusMeditating today on Lazarus Saturday, a major feast for hundreds of millions of Orthodox Christians and the start of Holy Week, I wanted…Apr 11, 2020Apr 11, 2020